Monday 6 June 2011

Top Tops for Summer

Yesterday, I posted about the dull English weather. Well today it hasn't changed. Its proper dull. 
These tops made me think of summer, don't know why but they did.
Scroll through this list without focusing your eyes at the window near your desk (showing even duller weather), unless its sunny :)
If it is, you have my permission to look through your window AND look at this list.
I'm going to stop talking now.
Kat x

<3 this, here

One word: Spotty, here

Amazing when you ear with a bright top underneath, here

Love it( pardon the pun), here

Backs up the fact that the Japanese know their fashion, here

Lots of colours available, here

1 comment:

  1. Some of those are REALLY cute! Others are cute but I'd never wear ;)

    We had a couple days of nice weather, but now we're back to drab and dreary in the Pacific Northwest. Lame.
